Hi, I'm Rob McDonald, the founder of CAAC.

August 24th 2024

It looks like we have a Dynamic, Honest Woman with integrity in Kamala Harris, against the Corporate, Billionaire Darling Donald Trump. The Prosecutor against the Felon. But don’t forget about the other important race, Tim Walz against J.D. Vance. They are all important races with the obstruction the GOP has shown over the last four years, using whatever power they have to obstruct the way forward on infrastructure, education, and equality of rights. America has such a bright future as soon as we quit letting the Corporations price gouge us, and buy our Politicians. Those Politicians use good ole fashioned Marketing and Advertising to convince you that the things you hate are something you can fight for against your fellow, equal Citizens. Reject the Nazi like hate of the Fascists that took over the Republican Party!


 July 20th, 2024

I hope this redesigned website for California can bring in more tourism through the Destinations Page, educate our youth, and inform Parents about news in education through the Education Page, Report on the California Economy through the Economy Page, and make our Government transparent through the CAAC Home Page, and Justice Page, and encourage healthy habits, and report on Government action in Health through the Health Page. I have also added an Entertainment Page, seeing as how California is the Entertainment Capitol of the World. I have been trying to get the word out since 2008 when the Republicans removed the rules that prevented media conglomeration. The Corporations bought it all, and there is very little Journalism going on. Mostly controlling and manipulating the Public. I hope we can turn the tide for good in November 2024, as this Country is the American People, not the Corporations!


May 9, 2024

The moves to end the prohibition of marijuana are under way at the Federal level. Unfortunately the Republicans are blocking every way they can the way forward. In 2020 the Democrats passed a Bill to reschedule marijuana, and allow banking with FDIC banks. Mitch McConnell, at the time the Republican Majority Leader sat on it, and never allowed that Bill to be voted on in the Senate. That is why it never made it to Donald Trump's desk to be Signed or Vetoed.

Real research, not done by lying Corporations, has shown the cannabis plant to be very important, as in essential nutrition. It cures problems in the human body the way Vitamin C cures Scurvy. We already know denying the human body an essential nutrient causes health problems. The entire Medical Industry, and Pharmaceutical Industry are profiting $Billions on the Republicans denying We The People essential nutrients for almost a Century. Did your Parents and Grandparents die from Cancer? Sue the Republicans for violating the Ninth Amendment Right of the American People to a harmless plant with essential nutrients. Republican's Corporate serving lies and policies amounts to brainwashing, as we saw an entire generation become couch potatoes like Bush's marketing campaign told them they would ever be. I and everyone of my generation worked, and used Visine and Tic Tacs so we were left alone to their atta boys, and accolades for our work ethic.

Understand it will continue to take Baby Steps to remove Federal Control, and local Prohibition as long as Republicans have any power to obstruct the way forward. Your health depends on them being removed from all power, as they don't work for you, they work for Corporate Profit, and Corporate Tax Breaks, putting this Country's tax burden on us.

California District One is the perfect place to grow marijuana and hemp, two crops that are gaining ground as the most lucrative crops to grow in our fields. That is the District in which I live, but almost every rural Republican controlled District in California is being cheated for what many Industries want. Our future economic health, our mental health, and our physical health are problems Corporations want to solve for profit, and Republicans want to let them, instead of let us heal ourselves! I won't be voting for any Republican until they end their allegiance to Corporations, and neither should you. They swore an oath to serve the American People, not the Corporations!


March 2, 2024

Fascism is rising around the World, including in California.  My Donation Button was hit with several bogus fraudulent Credit Card Charges over the last month, so I will have that fixed soon as it caused the company that takes my payments to shut off that flow of sabotage. I have created the California Antifascist Action Committee to eject from our Government those who work for the Corporations, refuse to work for the People, produce propaganda to fool the People they swore to serve, and removed the rules that prevented Corporate Media Conglomeration so their Corporate supporters could buy it all.  I have created a news source that is mostly raw information that the News Agencies gather from to spin the Corporate Agenda about everything to you. I hope this website for California can bring in more tourism through the Destinations Page, educate our youth, and inform Parents about news in education through the Education Page, Report on the California Economy through the Economy Page, and make our Government transparent through the CAAC Home Page, and encourage healthy habits, and report on Government action in Health through the Health Page. This scrollable Journal that I am creating of my thoughts will be in order of newest first, but I will leave my past writings up so you all know what the CAAC is about.

 - Rob